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Jeśli masz jakieś problem z tworzeniem map bądź wpadł ci do głowy jakiś nowy pomysł dotyczący gier o harrym to.... PISZ TUTAJ!! Forum - Magic Walls Mixolid0 (3 postów dotychczas) | | I have some problem with the patch... If i try to open a HP1 or 2 level, its not to do anything, but its in the map. And if I try to run my HP3 map, I've got an error massage:
No Label
OS: Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600)
CPU: AuthenticAMD Unknown processor @ 2191 MHz with 446MB RAM
Video: ATI Radeon Xpress Series (6925)
History: UGameEngine::Init (there is a bigger mark)- InitEngine
and its cant load some actor:
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Rytelier: fixed image. | | | | HPUED (57 postów dotychczas) | | Hello . Sorry that i don't answer you that long cause i been on holidays :p. You can't open hp1,2 maps with this version of MW because as i said this version have only base hp classes, not all. That makes you can't open levels in hp1,2. With hp3 it's possible to open orginal levels but you can see the "Load Errors" wich tell you missing classes. This version is created for CREATING levels. I planned to make premium version with let you do this. But i think it's no sense to editing orginal levels cause you can't tell it's yours and it will be quite illegal to upload that level on internet. Your HP3 map? You mean only geometry? So if you get that error you probaly make your old level in other version of runtime. Do you? |
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