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Jeśli masz jakieś problem z tworzeniem map bądź wpadł ci do głowy jakiś nowy pomysł dotyczący gier o harrym to.... PISZ TUTAJ!! Forum - Harry Potter editor???! CheatCat (19 postów dotychczas) | | Yes, but the normal Harry Potter levels works fine. It is just my custom one that won't work. I guess it is something about the cameras, when I change camera with viewclass actor I see Harry, but the camera is stuck on where I place it and can only rotate, not move... | | | | HPUED (57 postów dotychczas) | | Just put PotCam(HarryPotter1>Characters>Harry>BaseCam>PotCam(BaseCam could work good too)) into your level near Harry . It's requiest for HP1 only.
If still doesn't work just let me know.
BTW. You can show any screenshot from your level :p. I'd like to play level from someone(no mine) because playing levels wich I build it's bored P(I know all(Where's put any class, what i see in next room etc.))
Greet. | | | | CheatCat (19 postów dotychczas) | | Sure, I will show some screenshots when I have done something that is worth to take screenshot on.
Du you know how to add flipendo blocks? | | | | HPUED (57 postów dotychczas) | | You can add HPMover with flippendo blocks texture if you want to mover have only one move...
If you have to mover can move to right/left etc. when hit spell you must to wait for MW2(Note: In MW1 it's already added in HP3 only)
So let show me screens | | | | Mixolid0 (3 postów dotychczas) | | Anyone knows have can i make the students walking? I did, what i read in one of the tutorials, but it didn't work. |
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